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Gift of fearlessness        Don de courage    Vô úy thí    無畏施    Abhayadãna
Go; act; do            Hành    行    Saṃskāra
Go; act; do; perform; action; conduct; functioning; the deed; whatever is done by mind, mouth, or body, i.e. in thought, word, or deed. It is used for ayana, going, road, course; a march, a division of time equal to six months; also for saṁskāra, form, operation, perfecting, as one of the twelve nidānas, similar to karma, action, work, deed, especially moral action, cf. 業.

good and virtuous friend        ami de bien     Thiện tri thức    善知識    Kalyāṇa-mitra
good and virtuous friend        ami néfaste ou ami du mal    Ác tri thức    悪知識    pāpa-mitra
grave offenses            Ba la di    波羅夷    Pārājika
Great Assembly        Grande Assemblée    Đại chúng    大眾     Mahāsaṃgha
great brahman heaven            Phạm thiên vương    梵天王    Mahābrahamā
great brahman heaven        Maha-brahma    Đại phạm thiên    大梵天    Mahā-brahma
Great compassion        Grande compassion    Đại bi    大悲    mahākaruṇā
Great Compassion Mantra        Mantra de la Grande Compassion    Chú Đại Bi - Đại Bi Tâm Đà La Ni    大悲咒    Maha Karunika citta Dharani
great enlightenment        Grand Eveil     Đại giác    大覺    
The supreme bodhi, or enlightenment, and the enlightening power of a Buddha.

Great kindness        Amour universel    Đại từ    大慈    mahā-maitrī
It is love, universal love, to hope and to share joy to all beings.

Great Vehicle        Grand Véhicule    Đại thừa    大乘    Mahāyāna