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Calm, silent place        Lieu calme    A lan nhã    阿蘭若    Àranya
cause and effect        causalité     Nhân quả    因果    hetu-phala
Cause and effect; every cause has its effect, as every effect arises from a cause.

cause and effect        causalité     Nhân quả ứng báo    因果應報    hetu-phala
Cause and effect in the moral realm have their corresponding relations, the denial of which destroys all moral responsibility.

characteristics of phenomena            Pháp tướng    法相    
The aspects of characteristics of things-all things are of monad nature but differ in form. A name of the 法相宗 Faxiang or Dharmalakṣaṇa sect (Jap. Hossō), called also 慈恩宗 Cien sect from the Tang temple, in which lived 窺基 Kuiji, known also as 慈恩. It "aims at discovering the ultimate entity of cosmic existence n contemplation, through investigation into the specific characteristics (the marks or criteria) of all existence, and through the realization of the fundamental nature of the soul in mystic illumination". "An inexhaustible number" of "seeds" are "stored up in the Ālaya-soul; they manifest themselves in innumerable varieties of existence, both physical and mental". "Though there are infinite varieties. . . they all participate in the prime nature of the ālaya." Anesaki. The Faxiang School is one of the "eight schools", and was established in China on the return of Xuanzang, consequent on his translation of the Yogācārya works. Its aim is to understand the principle underlying the 萬法性相 or nature and characteristics of all things. Its foundation works are the 解深密經, the 唯識論, and the 瑜伽論. It is one of the Mahāyāna realistic schools, opposed by the idealistic schools, e.g. the 三論 school; yet it was a "combination of realism and idealism, and its religion a profoundly mystic one". Anesaki.

compassion            Từ Bi    慈悲    maitrya
Concentration of cessation            Diệt tận định    滅盡定     Nirodhasamāpatti
contaminated            Hữu lậu    有漏    Sāsrava
contaminated            Dục lậu    欲漏    kāmāsrava
Content with few desires        désirer peu, se rejouir d'un rien    Thiểu dục tri túc    少欲知足    alpeccha saṃtuṣṭa
Content with few desires

correct effort            Chánh tinh tiến    正精進    samyak-prahāṇāni
correct mindfulness            Chánh niệm    正念    samyak-smṛti
Recollection, memory; to think on, reflect; repeat, intone; a thought; a moment.

correct speech            Chánh ngữ    正語    samyag-vāc
correct thought            Chánh tư duy    正思惟     samyak-saṃkalpa
Crimes which requires expiation        Fautes qui exigent l'expiation    Ba dật đề    波逸提    Pāyattika
The monks and the buddhist nones have to respect precepts. Those who make errors, have to repair them by expressing their regret.